Saturday, October 24, 2015

Faces of Fall

More beautiful pics by Joe Coker

Joe Coker

After unseasonably hot and dry days of October, it finally is beginning to feel like fall. It is cooler and we are finally getting much needed rain.  We have two neighbors that are moving into their homes this weekend.  The thought may have occurred they are responsible for the rain. Children are excited about fall festivals, costumes and candy.
Photo sent by our friend Marianne. Too cute!
And my favorite "pumpkin" Dan !

It is taking us less time to walk our usual three miles without the scorching heat.  We are enjoying the cooler breeze. Sadly, the wind and rain are developing into leaf and acorn storms.  I don’t mind fall. It is the dreaded dark days of winter barreling towards me that cause me some anxiety.
Neighborhood "Tea Party"
So, I will try to embrace these few days of fall.  The sky is beautiful. The colors of the trees are mixed with gold and crimson. The waters of the lake glisten peacefully. We enjoy the humor of our neighbors fall décor on our walks through the neighborhood. Geese are headed to warmer parts unknown.The herds of deer we have unsuccessfully battled all summer to keep from our vegetation graze confidently near our windows at sunset. Little is left to haggle over. They forage for food through sparse greenery and acorns. They too have winter on their minds.
Hungry Deer
I am making my list of projects now that cooler weather has arrived. We must hurry to get them done in this small window of weather opportunity.  But perhaps today is not a good day to begin. The list lies still on the counter.  The rain is gently falling. It is too perfect a day not to be lazy. So, I will add to the top of the list and scratch it off, “rest”.  After all, we have a lot of work ahead of us. We must properly prepare.

"Celebrate the Festival of Harvest with the first fruits of the crops you sow in your field. Celebrate the Festival of In gathering at the end of the year, when you gather in your crops from the field.  Exodus 23:16