On weekends Dan turns from the tool man into Dan the farmer man. He was cautioned more than once by seasoned gardeners his corn crop would more than likely become raccoon feed. Well, he has proven them wrong. Cross winds came through eliminating the corn from both human and animal consumption.
We do have squash and peas and a glimmer of hope for more tomatoes. Dan wasn’t sure what kind of peas he had planted so I called my sister Jean for advice. She and her family garden for fun and relaxation. (I am sure it must be form of mental illness.) She told me when they turned purple it was harvest time. I was excited when their color began to change. Success! The excitement waned when I actually had to harvest and preserve them. Nature’s harvest time does not wait for cooler temperatures. “It’s only 89 today” Dan says. Only! Oh boy a cold front!
Dan has also planted what he thinks are Jackson Bush Beans. I am thinking they are Mr. Jackson’s.
Our friend Kathy says there are city, county and country folk. “Perhaps, she says, you may be a little more county than country.”
"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease." Genesis 8:22