Saturday, September 24, 2011

Oh Foot!

Dan had complained about pain in his foot for a while. He was finally convinced to have it checked out. He came home from the Podiatrist’s office explaining his procedure in detail. He was given a series of painful injections. “The needle was really, really big,” he kept repeating.

I looked at him, smiled, pointed to myself and said, “Remember me, cancer patient?” (We know about needles.) Without missing a beat he responded pointing to himself, “Remember me, wimp?”

For sure his ordeal was painful and I do sympathize. However, his foot is now pain free. I would agree with his observation on aging. “If it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t work!” Some days it does seem that way.

While we do have our aches and pains, we are blessed beyond measure. We still have the presence of mind to acknowledge them, have them properly treated and even complain. That within itself is a gift.

This week I found myself running late for an appointment complaining about every little thing. A question formed in my mind; “What really is important to you?” I felt ashamed of my pettiness and repented. I began to thank God for the many things He had provided me with just that morning. I even thanked him for humid weather and my frizzy hair day! Maybe there is still hope for us.

Ephesians 4:29 - Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

1 comment:

Trish said...

What a blessing I found in reading your post this morning Linda! Nope, no complaining from this ol' gal!!!
Have a blessed day Linda.