Sunday, April 7, 2013

Good Day Sunshine!

Dan smiled all day! It was a good day-- a sunshine day! It is so much fun to cruise the lake and spy visit the neighbors. One has some brand new landscaping that is a work of art. It is just beautiful.

Beautiful landscaping....beautiful people!

Some were kayaking, some sailing, others fishing or just sitting outside enjoying the sunny weather. A fellow boater and neighbor pulled along side to invite us for dinner. Alright!

Kayaking for fun and excercise!

We enjoyed a concert by the Master Singers in Hot Springs. Friends came to visit overnight. We thoroughly enjoyed their visit. We laughed and swapped tales, toured the village and of course a lake cruise!

Sailing along!

And then there is me.......just unlaxin'...watching all this activity makes you sleepy! :)

Dan's first mate sleeping on the job!

Good friends. Good times. Good weather. Simple fun times. It is all good!

Sunshine is sweet; it is good to see the light of day!
Ecclesiastes 11:7-8

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