Friday, October 8, 2010


     Last weekend Dan decided he would like to head out for the Current River and spend the day hiking. One thing is for sure, whatever else you may think of her, Arkansas is a beautiful state. We were surprised at the sudden change in temperature. We left home with warm sunny skies and arrived at the river to find cooler grey skies.

     Just as everyone else on the river, we decided to make the best of it. We pulled out our emergency jackets and headed out. We waved and chatted with fellow river rats as they floated or canoed wrapped in blankets and any other cover they could find. When it got too cool and breezy, we stopped for a bite to eat. (Well, as good an excuse as any.) After lunch the weather had changed back to sunny skies. Before we knew it, the sun was beginning to set.

     Unlike my husband, I do not adjust to changes well. We have undergone, for us, major changes this year. The very painful decision was made to leave a church family and ministries we love dearly. God doesn’t change our missions in life, but He does change the venue. He doesn’t generally ask us to give up things we dislike. I mean really, not even I would complain about that. He calls us to trust and obey Him. Just as children are, we don’t always understand that He does know what is best.

     Just as the sudden changes in the weather, there are spiritual seasons of our lives as well. Just as suddenly as the storms arrive, the Son breaks through. Thankfully, He sees the big picture. Paul said, “What I hate I am.” It was a surprise to us to discover we had become the complacent and comfortable we were often critical of. God has enlarged our area of ministry outside of the church building. He once again reminds us, we are the church. The building is just a meeting place.

      We do not claim to have all the answers. Nor do we believe one denomination holds them. God just tells us when we seek Him we will find Him. He is just as omnipresent on the river as He is in a building. We are the ones who build the walls that separate us from His fullness

"Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me... and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." Psalm 139:23


1 comment:

Patrinas Pencil said...

I loved your honest personal sharing here, brown shoe. I identify with your thots and understandings about his church and the walls we build that separate us from - each other and the world. Thank you for sharing.

God continue to bless you and hubby s you minister on the outside of these walls.

Patrina <")>><
warrior bride in boots