Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dear Mother and Daddy

I first must clarify. My family had eight girls and two boys. I was born next to the last child. I make this declaration because of a comment that was made to me years ago. A co-worker, thinking I was always referring to a singular sister, was led to wonder whether I had a very gifted and versatile sister or that I had a creative imagination! While my siblings do have a variety of special gifts and talents, I could not even begin to create some of our life adventures. Our family, like all, has its issues. It has its times of joys, sorrows and even moments on the crazy train.

Patsy's letter with my two year old post script!
 I received a precious gift in the mail this week. One of my sisters, Jean was going through her family photos and uncovered a note written by another sister, Patsy and me in 1953. It was a very difficult time in the lives of our family. Since I was just a toddler, I have little recollection of that season except the feeling of sadness and confusion.

Our parents were at a hospital miles away with my critically ill sister Nellie. She was born with a heart condition and was given a very short life expectancy. The fact that she lived to be sixteen was viewed as a miracle. Sadly she passed away after a surgical procedure at that tender age.

Mom and Me Mothers Day 1995
 Our sister Patsy was just barely seven and I two years of age. She was obviously homesick for Mom, Dad and older sister. Possibly she was growing tired of wrestling with entertaining her younger siblings. Even in her sadness, she was trying to put on a brave front and comfort those she loved. To have the gift to comfort others when we ourselves are mourning is a beautiful gift.

How timely that this precious treasure find it’s way back into our hearts this week. Mothers Day weekend is approaching. It brings a mixed bag for many of us. I have received a great Mothers Day gift through this letter. It is a reminder, even through the most difficult and darkest times, Love shines triumphantly.

I pray that you all find Comfort and Love this Mothers Day weekend!

As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you.” Isaiah 66:13


Terry said...

dear linda...this post is worth reading twice, especially with this rich brown terry

Sandy said...

This is very dear. Thank
you for sharing a part
of your life.
Isaiah 66:13 is such a
great promise to keep
in our hearts.
Happy Mother's Day!