Friday, March 14, 2014

From the Four Corners

Memorial to 25 babies!

I arrived safely home from my trip to New York.  My mind is still trying to process all of the awesome things that God did over the Women of the World Recovery Weekend.  No doubt more good reports will be made after today’s presentation at the United Nations!

Our sweet director Millie gave each leader a seemingly small token of appreciation.  We each found a wind chime in our suitcases.  My husband, who is the best hubby in the whole world, hung it over my kitchen sink.  As I stood there this morning my heart smiled as the little chime sang to me.

For the first time I really looked at it.  The butterfly with the red in its wings spoke to me of new life given freely to us.  The four chimes are the four corners of the world.  In the midst of them is a small clear ball representative of the Spirit of God.  The flower with the red in the middle represents continued growth through and only by the blood of Jesus to us His yielded servants.

Each morning I will be reminded of how He brought us together with women and men from the four corners of the world. I stand in amazement at the lengths our Heavenly Father will go to for His children!

As our friend and co-worker Pauly said, “We all had back stage passes to see God work miracles.”  Parents were given the opportunity to work through the loss, forgiveness, healing and give honor in the naming of twenty five children lost to abortion. We cried, we laughed, we rejoiced along side of them.  We were exhausted at the end but filled with excitement and encouragement.
"Team Tired"
Decompressing and silly time after the weekend stressors.
Old and tattered photo from fist meeting. March 29, 1999
(When we both had a head full of dark hair!)
Not only was there much personal healing, the hope of Jesus will be carried back to their countries.  I remembered the first time Millie and I met.  I keep the tattered photo pinned to my laundry room bulletin board.  She asked the photo be taken because, “This means something.” 

“Something” indeed—more than we could have expected or imagined!  From the heart of a couple of women and Millie’s faithful perseverance, the Lord birthed a healing ministry from a small town in Arkansas that reaches around the globe.  I say this to remind you, if God has placed something on your heart, He is more than willing and capable to bring it to pass!  We expect great reports from across the world birthed in hearts this recovery weekend!

We ladies pay our way. Dan and I personally save a few dollars each month for UN week.  As usual, there were last minute needs that we as leaders committed to cover for participants.  The prayer request was sent out for scholarships and even nanny services for the weekend.  Within minutes all but a few dollars was pledged. Thank you for your obedience to the Father voice.

One particular group was perplexed when they were told they could keep the Bibles placed by Gideon’s.  When they were told curriculum had been donated to them to take back to their countries, they could scarcely take it all in.  Thank you for being the hands and feet to this ministry. As my dear friend Pat said of her donation of books, "It gives feet to my prayers."

Privacy and safety issues prevent me from sharing details of the participants. The world is filled with evil, brutal violence against women and unborn children. Some place their very lives in danger by speaking out. "One participan group said, "We are all on our own." I can say God connected folks (not all went through the recovery weekend) from, Africa, Pakistan, India, Taiwan, Australia and China—just to name a few.  I am reminded of the song I sang as a small child; “Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight.  Jesus loves the little children of the world.”

"Speak, for your servant is listening." 1st Samuel 3:10

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